I N N E R   C I R C L E


As the world faces climate change and environmental challenges, sustainability has become a key trend in the future development of the tourism industry. It is our collective responsibility to contribute more to the environment and society when we travel, so we invite you to join us in shaping a new era of sustainability for our industry.


EarthCheck, the world’s leading certification, consulting and advisory group for sustainable destinations and tourism organizations, and RCI, a consulting firm specializing in sustainable design and ESG, jointly host the ‘2024 EarthCheck Inner Circle Sustainability Forum’ in Taipei, Taiwan. This annual global summit brings together the world’s leading experts in sustainable tourism to share key knowledge, experience and wisdom while showcasing visionary milestones for sustainable tourism. The goal for Inner Circle, as always, is to empower industry leaders to take forward the knowledge shared and apply it to their own operations and destinations.
Stewart Moore
EarthCheck CEO & Founder

Stewart Moore is one of the most experienced planning and ...

Jenny De Saulles
Director of Urban Development, Ireland

Jenny has worked with Fáilte, Ireland for over 15 years ...

S. Steven Pan
Chairman of Silks Hotel Group, Steven Pan

S. Steven Pan is the Executive Chairman of Silks Hotel Group and the ...

Eliza Li
Leader of Sustainability and Climate Change Services of PwC Taiwan

Master of Accounting from The George Washington University/Gra...

Jason Wang
R&D Director

Currently, Jason Wang is in charge of ESG and Sustainable ...

Jenny Su
Project Development Director, Banyan Tree Taiwan

As a pioneer in sustainable tourism, Banyan Tree takes ...

Dr John Paolo Rivera
Professor at Philippine Development Institute and Asian Institute of Management

John Paolo R. Rivera is a researcher and professor at the ...


Jason Wang

R&D Director

Currently, Jason Wang is in charge of ESG and Sustainable Taiwan Operations of "Business Today", leading the sustainable management issues of Taiwanese companies. He graduated from National Taiwan University's GMBA, Tamkang University's Graduate School of American Studies, and the News Group of the Department of Mass Communication at Fu Jen Catholic University. He has served as Chief Editor of the Digital Content Editorial Department of "Business Weekly", Chief Editor of "Business Today", Senior Correspondent of Reuters, and Senior Editor of "Wealth Magazine."

Stewart Moore

EarthCheck CEO & Founder

Stewart Moore is one of the most experienced planning and management consultants in the Asia-Pacific region. He has over 30 years of experience in a wide range of disciplines from business and strategic planning, policy development, tourism destination management and marketing, sustainability, risk management and corporate and social responsibility.

Jenny De Saulles

Director of Urban Development, Ireland

Jenny has worked with Fáilte, Ireland for over 15 years in both national and regional roles working on Destination, Product, Industry and Commercial Development. Jenny De Saulles also has extensive FMCG experience, previously working with Nestlé across the globe in a variety of commercial roles as well as in private consultancy.

Jenny Su

Project Development Director, Banyan Tree Taiwan

As a pioneer in sustainable tourism, Banyan Tree takes "embracing the environment and caring for society" as its core philosophy and is committed to creating sustainable communities and business ecosystems, treating hotels as stewards of the land and communities they operate.

Ms. Su is an excellent practitioner and promoter of this concept. As a member of the Banyan Tree Group, she has successfully led the hotel and tourism industry to a steady growth track with her rich tourism experience and excellent management skills.

Under the guidance of Banyan Tree's sustainable development philosophy, the team led by Jenny Su stood out in the market competition and became one of the preferred travel service providers trusted by customers. Her decision-making skills and attention to detail allow her to create more value and influence on the road to sustainable tourism development.

Eliza Li

Leader of Sustainability and Climate Change Services of PwC Taiwan
  • Certification
  • Master of Accounting from The George Washington University/Graduated from the Accounting Department of National Taiwan University
  • Education
  • Qualified for accounting practice in Taiwan, United States, and China
  • Experience
  • Currently the chief accountant of the corporate sustainable development service department of Zicheng United Accounting Firm
  • Current Chairman of Zicheng Sustainable Development Services Company
  • Current Leader of PwC Taiwan Nature Positive Growth Center
  • PwC Taiwan Capital Markets and Accounting Consulting Services Lead Accountant
  • PwC Hong Kong Capital Markets and Accounting Advisory Services Accountants
  • PwC US Audit Team
  • Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) consulting
  • Consultation on the introduction of the Climate-related Financial Disclosure Guidelines (TCFD) and Nature-related Financial Disclosure Guidelines (TNFD)
  • Total Impact Measurement and Management (TIMM) introduction consulting
  • Consultation on the introduction of International Sustainable Reporting Standards (IFRS S1/S2)
  • Science-based carbon reduction target (SBT) and net-zero transition coaching consultation
  • Sustainability report assurance or guidance
  • Sustainable development strategy and governance consulting

John Paolo R. Rivera

Professor at Philippine Development Institute and Asian Institute of Management

John Paolo R. Rivera is a researcher and professor at the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) and the Asian Institute of Management (AIM). He focuses on socioeconomic research, particularly in macroeconomics, tourism development, and poverty economics. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, with over 1,000 citations on topics like sustainable tourism and youth entrepreneurship. His work significantly contributes to economic policy discussions in the Philippines, making him a key figure in both academic and policy-making circles.

S. Steven Pan

Chairman of Silks Hotel Group, Steven Pan

S. Steven Pan is the Executive Chairman of Silks Hotel Group and the listed FIH Corporation in Taipei, which is the leading listed hospitality company in Taiwan. Silks Group consists of 4 hotel brands including international luxury Regent, cultural luxury Silks Place, hotspring resort Wellspring and boutique hotel JUSTSLEEP brands. FIH is the owner and developer of Group’s flagship Regent Taipei Hotel and Regent Galleria, the first luxury hotel and retail mixed use complex in Asia. The Group also manages Regent branded residences and listed Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) in Taiwan. Steven obtained a BA in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1986 and an MBA from Columbia Business School in 1988. Prior to joining FIH in 1991 he was an Associate at First Boston.


Time:2024/10/23 Wed. 09:25-16:35 (09:00-09:25 Registration)
Venue:Regent Taipei 3F Ballroom


Delegate registration




Minister’s address

Director General, Tourism Administration, MOTC, R.O.C., Chou Yung-Hui


Official welcome

General Manager, RCI Engineering, Shawn Jang

EarthCheck CEO, Stewart Moore


Celebrating 2024 EarthCheck certification in Taiwan


Theme 1
Establishing a Pathway to Sustainable Growth for Destinations

Lead Speaker:

Director of Sector Development Fáilte, Ireland, Jenny De Saulles

Panel Speakers:

Chairman of Silks Hotel Group, Steven Pan

Chairman of PwC Taiwan, Eliza Li

Moderator Panel :

R&D Director of BusinessToday, Jason Wang


Lunch / Break Time


Official welcome

EarthCheck CEO, Stewart Moore


Theme 2
Net Zero Planning: Strategies for Achieving Carbon Neutrality in Tourism

Lead Speaker:

Chief Sustainability Officer of EarthCheck, Dr Steve Newman

Panel Speakers:

Director of Banyan Tree Holdings Limited, Jenny Su

Moderator Panel :

R&D Director of BusinessToday, Jason Wang


Theme 3
Community and Industry Engagement and Sustainable Tourism Development

Lead Speaker:

Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Asian Institute of Management, Dr John Paolo Riviera

Panel Speakers:

Chairman of Farglory Recreation and Leisure Business, Mr. Wu

Moderator Panel :

R&D Director of BusinessToday, Jason Wang


Final acknowledgments

General Manager, RCI, Shawn Jang

EarthCheck CEO, Stewart Moore



Day 2 is an exclusive session with key clients and facilitators, centered on achieving commercial and operational outcomes in a collaborative environment. The day will begin with a summary of Day 1, followed by focused discussions led by our clients to address and resolve key challenges.




Opportunities to position Taiwan as a sustainable tourism destination.


Managing growth vs decarbonization.


Lunch Break


Where to from here? (resources, training and toolkits).


Final acknowledgments



Day 3 is a one-day Masterclass on Sustainable Design exploring key concepts of sustainability with real world examples showcasing the impact and achievements made by EarthCheck accredited projects. The morning session will focus on building legacy through principles such as human-centric design and the well-being and needs of people, retail strategy and sustainability. The afternoon session features an introduction to EarthCheck’s Design Accredited Professional course, learning outcomes and how to implement EarthCheck’s sustainable design principles in a project. Through an interactive, hands-on workshop we’ll explore how to apply the concepts learned to hypothetical or existing projects.




Introduction to Sustainable Design and EarthCheck


Explore the principles of human-centric design, focusing on the well-being and needs of people, retail strategy and sustainability)


RCI Case Study

The Design Certification Process Steps in the certification process


Lunch Break


Introduction to EDAP -Overview of the EDAP certification and its benefits.


Core Modules

Detailed exploration of the core modules within the EDAP course, focusing on practical application in real-world projects.


Interactive Workshop

Participants engage in hands-on activities, applying the concepts learned to hypothetical or existing projects. -- Q&A session


Networking and Discussion






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